John has frequently been asked to do musical arrangements (usually for voice and piano), in particular by the light music composer John Mclain, who considers the service he provides to be invaluable. Last year he did some vocal arrangements of pieces for a local choir which have been successfully performed. In December 2012 he provided a soundtrack for a short film A London Nativity made by the young people of St. Clement’s Church, where he works, which received much favourable comment. Over the years he has done numerous arrangements for small ensembles, particularly on the jazz side.
He also has his own music played sometimes: he wrote the music and lyrics of a song called “Have you come to say good bye?” which was broadcast by Susan Maughan on Radio 2’s Late Night Line-up. Some years ago he collaborated on the music for the film Commuter Husbands with Terry Warr, and his jazz concerts frequently feature some of his own compositions in this genre.